40FrankieG and Fat Baby Racing have teamed up to host a track day at
Carolina Motorsports Park on Thurs March 13
Sign up using Paypal or Venmo

Important! Please add your email address to the notes section before you submit payment

Entry fees are non-refundable

Current cost is $180



Note: if you use Paypal, select "Friends and Family"

All the details you need are below. Please read them.

Questions? Email
Frank or Joe

Stickboy Racing will be at the track for tire support

Scott Hussey will be taking pictures

Registration Fees

Before March 1
On/after March 1
At the track on the 13th


6:00a - 7:20a
Tech Inspection
Mandatory Riders Meeting
8a - 12p
On Track
12p - 1p
Lunch / Cornerworker break
1p - 4p
On Track

There will be 4 groups. Group 1 will be the slowest pace, group 4 will be the fastest pace.

Each group will run sequentially every hour, with 15 minutes per group. If all goes well, that means a total of (7) 15-minute sessions for each group for the day. Group 1 always starts at the top of the hour, and groups 2-4 start every 15 minutes thereafter. Sessions will not be "restarted" in the event of a spill, crash, etc. The groups will always line up with the clock.

All bikes will need to go through tech. Brakes and tires must be in good condition, all fluid fills, drains & filters must be wired, belly pans must be removed for tech, no coolant in the radiator, etc. Treat this as if you were going through tech for a race weekend. We will be available to do tech throughout the day as needed. If you crash, you must re-tech before going back out onto the track.

You can bring multiple bikes, but each bike is only allowed in one group. Please use good judgement when you select the group for each bike. Bumping up or down is fine providing the speed differences aren't too big. Please respect the speeds of other riders. Yes, we can switch your group throughout the day if you want to change.

You will be required to fill out a waiver for track day in addition to the CMP track waver. Any entry fees for CMP will be charged at the gate independently of the track day fees. Track entry time will be announced, but will be on Wed eve.

Ambulance service will provide Advanced Life Support (ALS)

About a week before the event, we will email out a finalized schedule, including track arrival time and confirmation of the details above. If you miss registration, you can sign up with us in-person on the 13th.

See you there!

Pass it on!

Click on the picture to download the poster in .pdf format so you can share it: